
Quando estava mesmo a adormecer, sonhei com isto: “Se vires um corpo aberto podes mexer à vontade nos órgãos isso não faz mal, o problema são as drogas quando consumidas por toda a gente” o porquê deste sonho e porque é que ainda me lembro dele são duas coisas que me ultrapassam.


At 1:57 da manhã, Anonymous Anónimo said...

Parents want to end blog use friom school computers
Some parents want the school district to ban students from using school computers to access blogs, or Web logs, where they say teenagers are glamorizing the use of drugs and alcohol, promoting parties and ...

Thought i'd just leave a comment here to let you know that your blog left me with a few thoughts in my head.

If you ever get the chance and feel you could add some thought provoking wisdom on the topic of Fancy Dress then please feel free to post a reply on my blog.

Thanks again.


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